MFA, Studio Art – Visual Communications,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona: 2014
BFA, Studio Art - Sculpture, Minor in Creative Writing,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona: 2010
Magna Cum Laude
AFA, Visual Arts - Photography and AA, Liberal Arts
Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona: 2007
Distinction & Highest Honors
Selected Workshops and Other Educational Experiences
2020 Ladies of Letterpress Annual Conference - Multiple Letterpress Workshops
2018 Writing Family History: Remembering in Order to Tell – Workshop – Thirii Myo Kyaw Myint – Surrel’s Place, Boise, ID
2013 Boro Transformed – Workshop – Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada – Penland Scool of Crafts, Penland, NC
Sculptural Mica Book – Workshop – Daniel Essig – Tucson, AZ
2011 Wire Edge Binding - Workshop – Daniel Kelm – Tucson, AZ
Book of Fun and Games – Workshop – Julie Chen – Tucson, AZ
2010 Western Papermaking – Workshop – Catherine Nash – Tucson, AZ
Pastepaper – Workshop – Curt Dornberg – Tucson, AZ
2010 Vandercook Maintenance – Paul Moxen – Tucson, AZ
Solo/Collaborative Exhibitions
2024 Bruhaha and the Big Topsy Turvy, The Green Box at Surel's Place, Boise, ID (collaborative installation by Alice Vinson and Margaret Pope)
2022 due to unforeseen circumstances, Cruzen-Murray Library, College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID
2017 Play, Rosenthal Gallery, College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID (collaborative works by Alice Vinson and Glen Granzow)
2012 Wall Drawing #797, Sol LeWitt Days, University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ. Collaboration on interpretation and execution with Suzanne Hesh,
Loren Dawn, Ann Tracy Lopez and Stella Lopez
2014 12 now reset: Artists' Books and Installation Work - Rosenthal Gallery, College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID
University of Arizona Poetry Center, Tucson, AZ
2013 Lionel Rombach Gallery, Tucson, AZ
2002 Hercules Florence Gallery, Tucson, AZ
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 Faculty Exhibition, The Rosenthal Gallery, College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID
2nd Annual Postcard Exhibition, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR
2022-2023 Los Desconocidos: The Migrant Quilt Project, Arizona History Museum, Tucson, AZ
2021 Faculty Exhibition, The Rosenthal Gallery, College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID
2020 Migrant Quilts Exhibit, The Mathers Museum of World Cultures, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
2019 Leftovers IV – Annual Print Exchange – International Traveling Exhibition
Los Desconocidos, International Quilt Study Center & Museum, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
Migrant Quilts Exhibit, Indiana Interchurch Center and St. Peter’s UCC, Indianapolis, Indiana
Migrant Quilts Exhibit, Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, Washington, D.C.
2018 Quilts and Human Rights, Pick Museum of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois
What the Eye Doesn’t See Doesn’t Move the Heart: Migrant Quilts of the Southern Arizona Borderlands, Pimeria Alta Historical Society & Museum,
Nogales, Arizona
Migrant Quilts Exhibit, Loutit District Library, Grand Haven, Michigan
Migrant Quilts Exhibit, Urban Edge Gallery, Waukegan Arts Council, Waukegan, Illinois
Migrant Quilts Exhibit, Brown Popular Culture Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
2017 What the Eye Doesn’t See Doesn’t Move the Heart: Migrant Quilts of the Southern Arizona Borderlands, Tempe History Museum, Tempe, Arizona
Migrant Quilts Exhibit, Amado Unitarian Universalist Church, Amado Arizona
Migrant Quilts Exhibit, Sky Island Unitarian Universalist Church, Sierra Vista AZ
2016 Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Start the Conversation (world-wide traveling exhibit of artists' books), George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Start the Conversation, The Frank & Katrina Basile Gallery at the Herron School of Art and Design - The Herron Art Library of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Library, Indianapolis, IN
The Migrant Quilt Project Exhibit "Activists as Artists", Santa Fe Public Library, Santa Fe, NM
Activist Quilters & The Migrant Quilt Project Exhibit, University of Arizona Student Union, Tucson, AZ
Alexa Rose Exhibit, The Rose Room, Boise, ID
2015 Interpretation of the Contemporary Book, Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery, Tucson, AZ
Faculty Exhibition, Terteling Library, College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID
2014 Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Start the Conversation, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County, Rochester, NY.
MFA Thesis Exhibition, University of Arizona School of Art, Tucson, AZ
Selections from the Permanent Collection: Small Books, The University of Arizona Poetry Center, Tucson, AZ
2013 Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here, The John Rylands Library, Manchester, UK.
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here, Center for the Book Arts, New York, NY
Fresh Paint, University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here, The Cambridge Arts Council, Cambridge, MA
2012 Out of Square: Artists' Books from Various Angles, Harry Wood Gallery, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
(Con)Text, Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ
Quilts That Make a Difference, Tucson Meet Yourself, Tucson, AZ
Paper in Principle Juried Exhibit, Lionel Rombach Gallery, Tucson, AZ
PaperWorks Exhibit, Tucson Book Festival, Tucson, AZ, Tucson, AZ
Letterpress Here and There, Lionel Rombach Gallery, Tucson, AZ
2011 1st Year Graduate Show, Graduate Gallery, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Tikkun Olam: A Restoration Project, JCC, Tucson, AZ
In This Moment, Stone Dragon Studio, Tucson, AZ
PaperWorks Exhibit, Tucson Book Festival, Tucson, AZ
2010 Small Wonders, The Drawing Studio, Tucson, AZ
Sculptural Books: Memory & Desire, University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ
PaperWorks Exhibit, Tucson Book Festival, Tucson, AZ
T.A.G. Mix - Gallery 801, Tucson, AZ
2009 Moment & Memory: Works by Alice M. Vinson & Jessica Livengood, Lionel Rombach Gallery, Tucson, AZ
10th Annual "Artists' Books" Exhibition, Cuesta College Art Gallery, San Luis Obispo, CA
Sweet Tooth - Undergraduate Exchange and Exhibition, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI
TAG Group Exhibit, GASP Gallery, Tucson, AZ
2nd Letters & Numbers Celebration and Auction, Chax Press, Tucson, AZ
2008 bi•jou, DaDa Gallery, Tucson, AZ
Arrival, Rocket Gallery, Tucson, AZ
Summer Salon 2008, Moeller House, Tucson, AZ
3-D Juried Exhibition: Selected works from U of A Undergraduates, Lionel Rombach Gallery, Tucson, AZ
2007 Juried Student Art Exhibit, Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery, Tucson, AZ
Kore Press Art Auction & Brunch Invitational, Kore Press, Tucson, AZ
2006 Artist Made Books, Shaw Gallery, Northeast Harbor, ME
Kore Press Art Auction & Brunch Invitational, Kore Press, Tucson, AZ
2005 Infusion Gallery, Tucson, AZ
Bound & Unbound Juried Exhibition, Tohono Chul Gallery, Tucson, AZ
Toy Camera Photographs Exhibit, Centric Photography, Tucson, AZ
Kore Press Art Auction & Brunch Invitational, Kore Press, Tucson, AZ
2004 Annual Invitational Postcard Exhibit, The Dana Gallery, Missoula, MT
Waterfront Art Festival, New London, CT
Annual Winter Group Exhibit, Metroform Gallery, Tucson, AZ
2003 3-D & Mixed Media Art , Epic Cafe, Tucson, AZ
Annual Winter Group Exhibit, Metroform Ltd., Tucson, AZ
2002 Juried Student Art Exhibit, Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery, Tucson, AZ
A Bouquet for Louis Carlos Bernal, The Drawing Studio, Tucson, AZ
Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, AZ
6th Annual Hot Shoe Salon, Tucson, AZ
2024 Bruhaha and the Big Topsy Turvy, The Green Box at Surel's Place, Boise, ID
2017 Play. Collaboration on interactive and immersive book experience with Dr. Glen Granzow.
2012 Wall Drawing #797, Sol LeWitt Days, University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ. Collaboration on interpretation and execution with Suzanne
Hesh, Loren Dawn, Ann Tracy Lopez and Stella Lopez.
2011 PaperWorks Journal, Winter Issue 2011. Collaboration on all aspects of design on the journal as a whole as well as the six, “single sheet” books with
Nancy Solomon.
2010 The Migrant Quilt Project, Tucson, AZ. Collaboration on all aspects of quilt design and production with fiber artists Peggy Hazard and Suzanne Hesh.
Sixty at Eighty, Artist Book. Collaboration on design with photographer Ann Simmons-Myers.
Ongoing Projects
2011 – current The Bookfitti Project, (a project founded on the idea of the creation and free distribution of book works relating to personal experiences).
This is locally based project, with works being distributed worldwide.
Honors and Awards/Grants
2016 Alexa Rose Foundation Grant, Alexa Rose Foundation
Quickproject Grant, Idaho Commission on the Arts
2014 Graduate Tuition Scholarship, University of Arizona
2013 Fine Arts Graduate College Fellowship, University of Arizona
Graduate Tuition Scholarship, University of Arizona
Marcia and Seymour Sabesin Scolarship, Penland School of Craft
Medici Scholars Award, University of Arizona
PaperWorks Workshop Scholarship, PaperWorks
2012 Graduate Tuition Scholarship, University of Arizona
Peggy Speed Scholarship, University of Arizona
PaperWorks Scholarship, University of Arizona
Medici Scholars Award, University of Arizona
2011 University of Arizona Graduate Access Fellowship, University of Arizona
Peggy Speed Scholarship, University of Arizona
PaperWorks Workshop Scholarship, PaperWorks
2010 Best Visual Book Award, Barbara Lewis Challenge, PaperWorks
Members' Choice Award, Barbara Lewis Challenge, PaperWorks
Silver Award, Annual Juried VISCOM Exhibit, University of Arizona
2009 Josette Pignato Scholarship, University of Arizona
Fine Arts Resident Achievement Tuition Award, University of Arizona
2008 PaperWorks Scholarship, University of Arizona
UA Spirit of Excellence Scholarship, University of Arizona
Fine Arts Resident Achievement Tuition Award, University of Arizona
2007 Fine Arts Resident Achievement Tuition Award, University of Arizona
First Place, Honors Program Scholar Competition for Art, Pima Community College
The Arizona Designer Craftsman Southern Chapter; Susan Chambers Endowment Award, Juried Student Art Exhibit, Pima Community College
Division Award, Juried Student Art Exhibit, Pima Community College
Excellence Award, Juried Student Art Exhibit, Pima Community College
First Place Art, Sandscript Magazine
Tucson Women's Club Lela McKay Scholarship, Pima Community College
2006 Tucson Women's Club Lela McKay Scholarship, Pima Community College
2004 Arts & Communications Division Recognition Award, Pima Community College
First Place Art, Sandscript Magazine
2002 Best of Photography, Juried Student Art Exhibit, Pima Community College
First Place Art, Sandscript Magazine, Tucson Recognition Award, Photography Department, Pima Community College
1992 Air Force Officers' Wives' Club Scholarship, Panama Canal College
1991 Air Force Officers' Wives' Club Scholarship, Panama Canal College
Stitching an Image of the Human Cost of Crossing the US Border, Hyperallergic, February 12th, 2019
College of Idaho professors invite people to PLAY, Idaho Press-Tribune, March 23, 2017
Book artist turns life experiences into tangible pieces, UHV Newswire and Victoria Advocate, November 16, 2016
Quilts and Human Rights, University of Nebraska Press, 2016 (pgs. 49-50)
White Gloves: "soft", University of Arizona Poetry Center Blog, July 26th, 2016
Review, About Books, Sonoran Arts Network, September 2015
Please Touch: Q & A with Annie Guthrie and artist Alice Vinson, University of Arizona Poetry Center, March 10, 2014
500 Handmade Books, Vol. II, Lark Books, 2013
Sonoran Arts Network, July/August 2013
UANews Video, Letterpress Studio Hosts Summer Workshop, June 26, 2013
UANews Video, When Books Become Art, January 8, 2013
UANews Video, Rare Books Bind Literature, Art, December 10, 2012
UANews Blog, Rare for the Taking: The Bookfitti Project Comes to the Poetry Center, December 10, 2012
Tucson Weekly, Fabric of Our Lives, October 11, 2012
UA+ , Arizona Public Media, June 20, 2012
The Desert Leaf, Vol. 26, No. 5, May 2012 (pgs. 54-55, 57)
Arizona Illustrated (PBS), March 8, 2012
PaperWorks Journal, Winter Issue 2011
Handmade Books, Lark Books, 2010
500 Handmade Books: Inspiring Interpretations of a Timeless Form, Lark Books, 2008
Arizona Daily Wildcat, 24 June, 2008
500 Bracelets, Lark Books, 2005
Sandscript Magazine, 2006-2007 Edition
Mount Desert Islander, 04 August, 2006
Sandscript Magazine, 2001-2002 Edition
Aztec Press, Vol. 47 Issue 1, 2002
Aztec Press, Vol. 46 Issue 23, 2002
PaperWorks Journal, Winter Issue, 2011
Wire Edge Binding, PaperWorks Journal, Winter Issue, 2010
University of Arizona Poetry Center
Central Michigan University
University of Arizona Library Special Collection
Center For Creative Photography, University of Arizona
The Herron Art Library of IUPUI University Library, Indiana University
Arizona History Museum, Tucson, AZ
Speaking Engagements
2016 Guest Speaker, UHV Downtown Arts Series, Victoria, TX
2015 Co-speaker, Music and Art Presentation (done in conjuction with Langoise Trio Performance), St. Michaels, Boise, ID
Co-speaker, Music and Art Presentation (done in conjuction with Langoise Trio Performance), College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID
2014 Guest Speaker, MFA Thesis Exhibition Opening Reception, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Guest Speaker, Introduction to Photographic Concepts, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
2013 Guest Speaker, Survey of Contemporary Studio Art, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Guest Speaker, Humanities of the Southwest, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Panel Speaker, Discussion Panel, POG In Print Symposium, Tucson, AZ
Guest Speaker, Infuse, Tucson, AZ
Guest Artist, Alternative Processes in Photography, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
Guest Speaker, Introduction to Photographic Concepts, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (Spring/Fall)
2012 Guest Artist, Alternative Processes in Photography, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
Guest Artist, Artists’ Books, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
2011 Guest Speaker, The Challenge of Creating an Artists' Book, Tucson Festival of Books, Tucson, AZ
Guest Artist, Alternative Processes in Photography, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
2010 Guest Speaker, How to Read an Artist Book, Tucson Festival of Books, Tucson, AZ
Guest Artist, Alternative Processes in Photography, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
2009 Guest Speaker, How to Read an Artist Book, PaperWorks, Tucson, AZ
2008 Guest Artist, University of Arizona/3-D Design (Fall Semester), Tucson, AZ
Guest Artist, University of Arizona/3-D Design (Spring Semester), Tucson, AZ
2006 Guest Artist, Alternative Processes in Photography, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
2005 Guest Artist, Mixed Media Book, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Guest Artist, Alternative Processes in Photography, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
2004 Guest Artist, Alternative Processes in Photography, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ